1. ABQ Journal - "Two UNM graduates present contemporary art exhibit"

2. ABQ Business First - "Albuquerque's fired up SxSW delegation heads to Austin"

3. Santa Fe New Mexican - "Reader View: The health care paradox — higher spending but poorer health"

4. Santa Fe New Mexican - "Creature discomfort: Loyd Tireman"

5. Rio Rancho Observer - "OUR VIEW: Gov. Martinez should give voters chance on bond for UNM West"

6. KRQE News 13 - "Instrument Petting Zoo held at UNM"

7. High Country News - "At Valles Caldera, a new national park unit takes shape"

8. Scientific American - "Yellowstone's Supervolcano Gets a Lid"

9. Broadcast news:

 *KOB 4                      03/04/2016             7:44 p.m.
 Abandoned frat houses pose dangers on UNM campus

 *KOAT 7                    03/07/2016             7:24 a.m.
 The Real Sex Week begins at UNM