1. Valencia County News-Bulletin - Hello, Valencia County — I’m here!
2. Valencia County News-Bulletin - HONORING A HOMETOWN HERO: Long family makes trip to the White House 16 years after Capt. Tamara Long-Archuleta’s ultimate sacrifice
3. Los Alamos Monitor - UNM-LA to offer ‘Intro to Opera’ class
4. KOB 4 - The women behind ABQ Beer Week
5. MPR News - No such thing as the Poop Fairy: Duluth tries whimsy offensive on scofflaw dog owners
6. Area-info.net - Parker Named NMSU’s New Provost
7. Tokyo Daily News - In Appreciation of AGU’s Outstanding Reviewers of 2018
8. Axis of Logic - Poetryof Mankh: Demographacy
9. World Intellectual Property Review - University of New Mexico nonprofit takes Samsung to court
10. Livestrong.com - Normal Blood Pressure and Pulse After Exercising
11. Drugnews.in - Cycling Lanes Reduce Fatalities
12. AZ Central – Uncounteddeaths of migrant border crossersslide show
13. Medical Health News - New Mexico hospitals to get $169M Medicaid boost
14. Diverse - Social Justice in Action: Creating a Climate of RESPECT at Associational Meetings
15. Broadcasat
* KWGN – Study: Cycling lanes lower road fatalities
* KOAT 7 – Summer safety series: Sunscreens
* KOB 4 – Albuquerque Beer Week