ABQ Journal - Editorial: Free tuition boosts college rolls; finish line is degrees
ABQ Journal - Some 75 years of traditions ends as Jewish Federation of NM shuts down
Source NM - Councilors: Albuquerque’s hop-on-and-go bus program made it too easy for the wrong kind of riders
Axios - Report: Police Facebook pages overrepresent Black suspects
Yahoo! News - What is affirmative action, anyway? 4 essential reads
How Stuff Works - 8 Native American Scientists You Should Know
Miss Think Up - UNM Anderson School dean accepts vice president for academic affairs position at the University of Utah: UNM Newsroom
E&E News - How N.M. governor’s race may shift coal, CCS
Arkansas Democrat Gazette - Answers in us
American Association of Community Colleges - Collaborating to end food and housing insecurity
Wright Patterson Air Force Base - AFRL Innovation Awards recognize excellence in tech transfer
Ganjapreneur - New Mexico Monthly Cannabis Sales Again Break Record in October
KOAT - How to identify election misinformation on social media
KOAT - Navigating seasonal affective disorder
KOB - Final campaign rally for Governor
KOB - Getting young voters to the polls
KRQE - LANL gathering breath prints to try out fatigue breathalyzer