In April, UNM-Valencia Campus Chancellor Alice Letteney was selected to participate as a panelist for La Academia de Liderazgo’s seminar, “Overview of a President’s Role in Advocacy & How do Institutions of Higher Education Make Their Best Case to Policy Makers?”

La Academia de Liderazgo, a leadership academy for Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities (HACU), is a one-year program aimed to help prepare the next generation of culturally diverse leaders for executive and senior level positions in higher education. According to its website, La Academia is designed to increase the number of talented individuals who aspire to be in leadership positions of Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSIs) and Emerging HSIs.
Letteney, who has served in higher education for nearly 50 years and has been the head of UNM-Valencia since 1995, shared her experiences and insights during a national Zoom meeting that included other college presidents, chancellors and executive directors.