The University of New Mexico's 68th Annual Research Lecture is set for Wednesday, March 27 at 5:30 p.m. UNM faculty, staff, students, postdocs, and alumni are encouraged to attend.

Reserve a seat here.


ARL awardee Felisa Smith is a distinguished professor in the UNM Department of Biology, and her research successes reach far beyond our university community. She is a mammologist, focusing her research interests on paleoecological and evolutionary research—specifically the effects of current global and past climatic change and biodiversity loss on mammals.

Smith's lectureMammalian Paleoecology: Using the Past to Study the Present, will provide examples of how past earth history can be employed to study the present. This idea that history sets the context for the present is central to her research program. As human societies struggle with difficult environmental issues such as climate change and biodiversity loss, figuring out how animals coped with similar challenges in the past can provide valuable insights into their adaptive limits and the resilience of communities and ecosystems to perturbations.


Lecture: Mammalian Paleoecology: Using the Past to Study the Present | 5:30 p.m. | PAIS 1100 + Zoom

Reception | 6:30 p.m. | PAIS Foyer

The Annual Research Lecture has been presented at UNM since 1954 and is one of the highest honors the University bestows on its faculty member in recognition of research/creative activity. The nominated faculty member must be an active, full-time professor or exceptional associate professor at the time the nomination is submitted with a record similar to that of applicants for distinguished professor.

The research or creative works of the nominee must be of the highest quality with an outstanding cumulative record of achievement nationally and internationally (unless another domain is more relevant). The nominee will also be evaluated on the body of work that has been completed while at UNM, including mentoring. This often requires ten or more years at UNM to be competitive.