The application deadline for the Spring 2024 cohort of The University of New Mexico's Arts & Sciences Support for Undergraduate Research Experience (ASSURE) is Friday, Dec. 1. Launched in 2021, ASSURE fosters faculty-student research collaborations and funds work through which students can engage in thoughtful and progressively sophisticated work central to the overall research program of the principal investigator.

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“The ASSURE program provides opportunities for our students to get experience actually doing research in the lab, the field, or the archives," said Chris Lippitt, associate dean for Research at the UNM College of Arts & Sciences. "Students’ first research experience can be truly transformative, and here at UNM that means working with and learning from world-class research teams working on some of the most important questions facing humanity. Do not be intimidated. If you are a declared Arts & Sciences undergraduate major, ASSURE is for you.”

"It is a great way for students to get paid to do research," said Jennifer Chamberlin Payne, senior student success specialist for the Undergraduate Research, Arts & Design Network.

As a Carnegie-designated Research One (R1) institution, UNM is recognized as a very high research activity institution. Programs such as ASSURE support these efforts by providing undergraduates with research opportunities that will help them build connections with some of the strongest leaders in their fields. Research experiences at the undergraduate level are one of the many unique opportunities that students get to take advantage of at UNM, and they are significant in that they very often lead to expanded opportunities beyond the undergraduate level.

Because the awards are part of larger efforts to foster a culture of faculty-undergraduate research collaboration at UNM, proposals should engage lower-division students and students from underrepresented groups. Proposals will be evaluated based on the funding priorities of the ASSURE initiative, which include providing resources for students who see research activity as key to their overall trajectory at UNM and for research programs committed to solid outcomes for undergraduate researchers and promoting inclusive excellence.


  • The faculty mentor must have a primary appointment in the College of Arts & Sciences.
  • Students must have a declared pre-major or major in an arts and sciences academic program and be currently enrolled for a minimum of six credit hours in the College of Arts and Sciences.
  • A student is required to work with their faculty mentor on their application. The student will be required to upload a resource statement from their mentor as part of the application.
  • A faculty mentor can apply with a maximum of two undergraduate students; a primary proposal must be identified, and the secondary will only be considered if funds are available.
  • A student researcher is limited to one application with one faculty mentor.
  • This program is open to all departments and programs at the College of Arts & Sciences, and we encourage proposals from humanities and social sciences.


  • Funding: four monthly stipends of $400 ($1,600/semester).
  • Time expectation during the semester is 8 hours/week.

How to Apply
Students should apply online. The application deadline is Friday, Dec. 1.

For questions and or additional information, email