The Associated Students of the University of New Mexico (ASUNM) is accepting applications to be considered to be the next UNM Student Regent.

The UNM Student Regent is appointed by the Governor of New Mexico and serves as a full voting member of the UNM Board of Regents, the governing body of The University of New Mexico. ASUNM is responsible for submitting a list of recommendations of undergraduate candidates to the UNM President, who will present a final list of candidates (undergraduates and graduates) to Governor Martinez’ office for consideration. Applications to be considered for recommendation by ASUNM are due Oct. 7 to the ASUNM office or

The New Mexico Constitution requires that one member of the UNM Board of Regents be a member of the student body. The Student Regent serves a two-year term as the official representative of the student body on the Board of Regents, and is given the same duties and responsibilities of the members of the Board. The Student Regent’s official duties include participating in hearings, briefings and meetings regarding University business. This student will also help provide university leadership with strategic direction for UNM and will vote on all Board of Regents action items. In addition, this student will be an official ambassador of the Board of Regents, UNM and the student body at community functions and to state lawmakers.

“In this selection process, we are looking to recommend an undergraduate Student Regent that shows a firm commitment to serve the students of New Mexico well and can think critically about the challenges that are facing UNM,” ASUNM President Kyle Biederwolf said. “We are honored to have a role in choosing the next student leader at our university and are excited to recommend candidates that we know can move this university forward.”

The outgoing Student Regent Ryan Berryman will complete his term in December, and has played a role in the approval of funding for the renovations to the Anderson School of Management and Johnson Center. “I am very thankful to have had the opportunity to represent my soon to be two time alma mater in this capacity,” Berryman said. “Any one who truly cares about this state and this University should consider the position.”

Undergraduate students interested in applying for Student Regent can find the application on under “Quick Links” and are encouraged to contact ASUNM at