University of New Mexico Distinguished Professor of Physics and Astronomy Carlton Caves is the 2011 recipient of the Max Born Award presented by the Optical Society of America (OSA). Caves, who is the 29th recipient of the award, was recognized for his seminal contributions in quantum optics and information theory. The award honors Max Born, who made distinguished contributions to physics in general and to optics in particular.

The award established in 1982, the centenary of Born's birth, is presented to a person who has made outstanding contributions to physical optics, theoretical or experimental. It is endowed by the United Technologies Research Center, Physical Optics Corporation, and individuals including Joseph Goodman.

For more information on Dr. Caves, who is also the director of the Center for Quantum Information and Control, visit: Carlton Caves.

For more information on the award and past recipients visit: Max Born Award.

Media contact: Steve Carr, (505) 277-1821; e-mail: