The Office of the Vice President for Research has recently partnered with the College of Arts and Sciences and the College of Education and Human Sciences to pilot the Fostering Research Expansion in the Social Sciences and Humanities (FRESSH) program, which is dedicated specifically to fostering research within these disciplines.

Through a specialized, cohort training and mentorship program, researchers will be provided with the resources necessary to develop their concepts into competitive proposals that will be submitted to federal agencies for funding consideration.

Opportunities such as FRESSH are vital to expanding our support for all of research efforts on campus. The OVPR is grateful to the faculty mentors for their leadership in this program: Professors Carla Sinopoli and Frances Hayashida from the Department of Anthropology, Professor Mala Htun from the Department of Political Science, and Professor Irene Vasquez from the Department of Chicano/Chicana Studies.

The OVPR is also delighted to share that the first FRESSH cohort has been selected and includes faculty from the College of Arts and Sciences, the College of Education and Human Sciences, the School of Law, the School of Architecture and Planning, and UNM-Gallup. They include:

For more information about the FRESSH program, visit the UNM Research website or contact the Faculty Research Development Office at