For the second year, the Dean of Students Office, in collaboration with the UNM Children’s Campus and Division of Student Affairs, is encouraging the campus community to come together and make the season a little brighter for our students who are parents of young children through the Little Lobo Holiday Wish Fund (LLHWF).

Donation Little Lobo WF 2024

Once again, this holiday season, UNM students, faculty, and staff can help spread the joy by donating to the Little Lobo Holiday Wish Fund. The goal of the LLHWF is to provide 100 Lobo families with $100 Amazon gift cards in time for the holidays. Donations in any amount will be accepted through Sunday, Dec. 1. Individuals wanting to donate can do so through the Little Lobo Holiday Wish Fund page, 

With a large number of student parents nationwide, juggling kids and education can be difficult. Many student parents must make sacrifices to support themselves and their families, including borrowing through the financial aid and loans they receive and working long hours when not in class or with their children.

Eligible parents who are students can apply for the Amazon gift cards through Sunday, Dec. 1 via the Little Lobo Holiday Gift Application page. Gift cards will be distributed to our student who are parents of young children with enough time to make their holidays extra special for their little Lobo(s). The gift cards are designed to help make the season a little brighter for students who are parents of young children. 

This is the second time the Little Lobo Holiday Wish Fund (LLHWF) has occurred. The Dean of Students office, the UNM Children’s Campus, and the Division of Student Affairs encourage UNM’s community to support student parents during the holidays, especially since 22% of college campus populations are parents. 

The University of New Mexico supports its student parents on campus with services including childcare at the UNM Children’s Campus, lactation stations, family-friendly computer pods, student-led workshops, SNAP application assistance, and free counseling and confidential advisory through the Women’s Resource Center. 

The Little Lobo Holiday will serve as an additional support system to complement the growing support services already on campus. With every donation made, a Lobo’s cub can have a holly jolly holiday.

Donations of any amount will be accepted through Sunday, Dec.1. 

For more information, visit Little Lobo Holiday Wish Fund.