Looking for a fun, healthy & energetic way to start your day? Then join the group at the Maxwell Museum of Anthropology on The University of New Mexico campus and dance, as our human ancestors once did. The event is free and will be held Thursday, Feb. 2, starting at 8 a.m. at the Maxwell.
This Groundhog Day, join the students, staff, and faculty that will gather to dance in and around the Maxwell Museum’s “cave” that’s part of the museum's Ancestors exhibit.
As singer-songwriter and Grammy-award winner Jorge Drexler said, “We [humans] were already making music way before we knew agriculture.”
Also enjoy a free glass of fresh juice (while supplies last), compliments of the Museum ̶ apple-carrot-ginger juice, anyone? After an hour or so of dancing, everyone will collectively squash a 2-foot tall paper mâché groundhog piñata in the Museum courtyard. This time-tested ritual, it is said, sends out energy into the world and helps Spring arrive early.
Registration is not required but highly helpful to help calculate the veggies and fruits to be bought, as well as contribute to the growing collective playlist of music we will be playing.
Register through our Eventbrite page here.