Stephanie Moore, assistant professor of the Organization, Information & Learning Sciences (OILS) program, is receiving recognition for two articles she co-authored about online course design during a pandemic. Moore and fellow co-authors continue to see the positive responses from the articles as remote learning proceeds at universities.
Both articles were released in March 2020 as faculty and students made the shift to online learning. One article was featured in Inside Higher Ed (IHE), So You Want to Temporarily Teach Online, has become the ninth most read article for IHE in 2020. It has been widely shared not only by university instructional design teams, but by Provosts and Deans.
Moore’s article featured in EDUCAUSE Review, The Difference between Emergency Remote Teaching and Online Learning, was not only the most read article in 2020, but the site’s most-viewed piece ever. The article has been cited 641 times and won the 2020 Association for Educational Communications & Technology Annual Achievement Award.
Moore is amazed by all of the positive feedback they have received for their articles.
“We certainly never imagined any citations, let alone this many. We just wanted to bring our professional knowledge to bear on some critical issues and discussions at such an important time,” said Moore.
Moore and co-author, Charles Hodges, have been featured on several podcasts including the EDUCAUSE Exchange, a podcast dedicated to bringing higher education IT professionals together to discuss topics relevant to the field. An extended version of the EDUCAUSE Exchange interview with Moore is scheduled to be released in Feb. 2021.
“[The articles] have taught me a lot about how we might meaningfully engage in public scholarship, and how that form of scholarship can have a significant impact both on public dialogue and practice as well as on research,” Moore said.