As part of its mission to advocate and represent University of New Mexico staff, UNM Staff Council recognized more than 40 employees as 2019 Outstanding Supervisor nominees.

In addition, Kathy Breckenridge, Jenna Crabb and Jeanne Marquardt were honored as the 2019 Outstanding Supervisor Award recipients with a glass sculpture and gift basket.

“Each of these supervisors have demonstrated a commitment to the University values of excellence, access with support to succeed, integrity, diversity, respectful relationships, freedom and sustainability,” said UNM President Garnett S. Stokes. “I appreciate your hard work and dedication to this University and hope this award inspires you to continue your achievements at this institution for many years to come.”

The Staff Council Outstanding Supervisor awards recognize managers who create work environments that facilitate work-life balance, professional development and effective leadership in support of the values and mission of the University. This was the fourth year the award has been given, since its inauguration in 2016.

“Members of the Staff Council think it’s imperative to acknowledge the outstanding contributions being made to UNM by staff,” said Staff Council President Ryan Gregg. “Just seeing the incredible number of nominees, it’s clear many programs and departments value their manager’s leadership and want to ensure those efforts are recognized.”

In addition to the awardees, other nominees present were announced at a reception held in the Student Union Building, with opening remarks by President Stokes. President Stokes and Vice President of Human Resources Dorothy Anderson then presented the nominees with a certificate.

Nominations are scored independently by members of the scoring committee, which includes representatives from the Office of the President, Office of the Provost, HSC Chancellor’s Office and Human Resources.

2019 Staff Council Outstanding Supervisors:


Kathy Brekenridge is an Operations Specialist from Continuous Professional Learning who is “is always willing to help her staff to succeed; whether it is training a new employee on a UNM program, rolling up her sleeves and pitching in to stuff attendee packets or badges, or working onsite so the event planner can take a break during a ten-hour day, she will say she is not the supervisor, she is a part of the team.”


Jenna Crabb

Jenna Crabb is the Director of UNM’s Office of Career Services and “has directly and indirectly impacted thousands of Lobos as a supervisor, faculty member, three-time UNM alumna (BA, MA, and PhD) and UNM staff member for the past 23 years. Her leadership has created a trusting and productive environment where the employees she hires and supervises perform their jobs ethically, efficiently, and readily, with a sense of joy, purpose, and meaning.”


Jeanne Marquardt is an Executive Project Director in the School of Medicine and “has a keen sense of individual strengths and weaknesses that allows her to assemble a team with a diverse skillset, which is ultimately what makes any teamwork. Additionally, she is a person’s biggest cheerleader for anything they want to achieve, personally or professionally.”


Pictures of the event and award recipients and nominees will be available on the UNM Staff Council Facebook page.