It was a night filled with stars recently as the Staff Council held its annual luncheon retreat recognizing staff for their contributions to making activities, events and committees successful.

“Staff Councilors don’t always get the recognition they deserve from their constituents,” said Staff Council President Crystal Davis. “These are just some of the outstanding people that have helped me serve to the best of my abilities and I’m very happy that we have the chance to recognize them for their efforts.”

The following stars were recognized for their efforts and received plaques:

Rob Burford (Clery Act Compliance Officer, Grade 14 rep.) – recognized as best new councilor.

Pam Castaldi (Director, Learning Language Center, Grade 13 rep.) – recognized for her work on the Staff Council website.

Josh Clifford (Research Coordinator, Center for Psychiatric Research, Precinct 25 rep.) – recognized for his work on the Staff Council website and as a super volunteer.

Marjorie Crow (Administrative Assistant II, Art History, Precinct 3 rep.) – recognized for her graphics work on Staff Council flyers and documents.

Jodi Perry (Department Administration R1, College of Pharmacy, Precinct 19 rep.) – recognized for her work on Staff Council finances and budget as Staff Council Treasurer.

Carla Sakiestewa (Program Manager, Cancer Research, Precinct 26 rep.) – recognized as best communicator with constituents.

Nancy Shane (Associate Scientist 3, UME Program Evaluation, Grade 15 rep.) – recognized for serving on the most committees.

Lisa Walden (Division Manager, Bookstore, Grade 13 rep.) – recognized for creating the Staff Council Marketing Plan and establishing and organizing the annual Staff Council homecoming event.

Daniel Weems (Technical Analyst II, New Media and Extended Learning, Grade 12 rep.) – recognized for providing the Staff Council Office with IT support.

Patricia Young (Police Officer, Grade 10 rep.) – recognized as best at juggling work and volunteer duties.

Staff Council Committee Chairs recognized for their star performances:

Pam Castaldi (Director, Learning Language Center, Grade 13 rep.) and Lisa Walden (Division Manager, Bookstore, Grade 13 rep.) - Employee Life Committee

Mark Reynolds (Associate Director, Information Technologies, Grades 16-20 rep.) – Events Committee

Megan Speck (Coordinator Student and Graduate Services, Dean’s Office, College Pharmacy, Megan is not a Staff Council **) – Health Sciences Committee for Staff

Kathy McKinstry (Administrative Assistant 3, Student Activities Center, Grade 8 rep.) and Daniel Weems (Technical Analyst II, New Media and Extended Learning, Grade 12 rep.) – Rewards and Recognition Committee

Melissa Pacheco-Armijo (Senior Fiscal Services Tech, Procurement Services, Grade 10 rep.) and Gina Urias-Sandoval (Program Director, EMBA Program - Anderson School, Precinct 8 rep.) - Student Success Committee

Carol Bernhard (Institutional Researcher, Carol is not a Staff Councilor **) – Faculty Staff Benefits Committee

The following individuals received special recognition:

Adam Hathaway (Energy Conservation Specialist, Lobo Energy, Inc.) – for his service as Staff Council Parliamentarian

Amanda Gerard (Manager, University Club) – for her support of Staff Council events and activities at University Club

** You need not be Staff Council to serve on any Staff Council committees.

Staff Council is the voice of governance for staff at the University of New Mexico.  As a Staff Councilor, you have the opportunity to have a seat at the table for decisions affecting staff and offer solutions to issues concerning staff.

To see photos of the Stars, and keep up to date with Staff Council and information important for UNM staff, follow up on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram.