Chelsea Travers, UNM-Taos Holistic Health & Healing Arts student, has brought a new product to market. Created at the Taos Community Economic Development Corporation’s industrial kitchen, Taos Sprouted Hummus is “created with love and care to make choosing healthy options easy.”

Travers has learned that improperly prepared beans and legumes are likely to cause inflammation, which leads to bloating and gas. “By sprouting the beans, we break down the phytic acid and other anti-nutrients,” Travers described. “This makes our product more digestible and increases nutrient availability so you’re able to absorb more essential amino acids, zinc, iron, and calcium.”

Taos Sprouted Hummus is fresh, local, and 100 percent organic. “We source whatever ingredients we can locally to support our nearby farmers,” she added.

Taos Sprouted Hummus can be found on the shelves in Taos at Cid’s Food Market and Taos Food Coop, the Sol Food Market & Café in Arroyo Seco, Midtown Market in Arroyo Hondo, and the Dixon Cooperative Market. Soon to be available in Santa Fe, Albuquerque, and Los Alamos.