As the state’s only Carnegie-designated Research 1 institution, the innovations and opportunities being developed at The University of New Mexico are some of the greatest stories to tell.
To support and promote the research efforts of its faculty and students throughout campus, UNM’s Grand Challenges and the Interdisciplinary Science Cooperative have joined together to present the inaugural Team Research Symposium, which will be held virtually Tuesday through Thursday, April 20-22. Registration is now open.
Over the course of the symposium, the entire campus community will be able to choose from 20 separate sessions devoted entirely to bringing faculty and students across campus together to exchange ideas and promote more productive research teams. This free event will feature UNM President Garnett S. Stokes and Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs
James Holloway as part of the Welcome Ceremony with keynote presentations by Michael O’Rourke from the Michigan State University Center for Interdisciplinarity as well as UNM’s new Vice President for Research, Ellen R. Fisher.
Other sessions of note include:
- Roundtable Discussion: Developing common vocabularies and frames of reference for interdisciplinary research teams
- Speed Networking Towards Future Projects
- Broader Impacts Panel: Interdisciplinary Collaborations at UNM to Develop More Meaningful Broader Impacts in STEAM
- Graduate Student Team Research Concept Competition
- Lightning Presentations: Team Research Projects
- Challenges and Opportunities: Researchers Panel
- Science for Health of Indigenous Populations (SHIP) Presentations
- And more…
Presenting sponsors include UNM Interdisciplinary Science Co-op, UNM Grand Challenges, UNM Innovation Academy, ECURE, Office of the Vice President for Research and Museum Research Traineeship.
A Call for Presenters is also open for those interested in participating and or presenting work during select sessions. Those interested in participating as a panelist or a presenter can submit their idea through the Call for Presenters signup page by March 19, 2021.
All work submitted will be featured prominently on the symposium’s website in order to encourage and inspire cross-campus collaborations.
For more information, visit Team Research Symposium.