The UNM Departments of Linguistics and English want post-doctorate graduates to know about job opportunities outside of the university setting.
“The job market for Ph.D. students is evolving with many new choices outside of academia,” said Jill Morford, chair of the Linguistics Department. “Several departments on campus are interested in how we can improve institutional structures at UNM to prepare students for professional lives inside and outside the academy."
Using funding from the NEH Next Generation Grant, the departments are holding a joint seminar Friday, April 21 from 1 to 4 p.m. in the Waters Room of Zimmerman Library.
Presentations will focus on careers in publishing and professional writing; commerce, industry and entrepreneurship; and higher education administration. Students will also have the opportunity to network with UNM staff members who hold doctorate degrees and have pursed careers outside the professoriate.
Seminar Schedule:
1 – 2 p.m. Panel of post-doctorates working in (1) Publishing & Professional Writing, (2) Commerce, Industry & Entrepreneurship, and (3) Higher Ed Administration and Alt-Ac Careers
2 – 3 p.m. Networking with Alt-Ac Professionals & Refreshments
3 – 4 p.m. Panel of students currently pursuing broad job searches