Research has shown that there is a strong positive connection between library instruction and students’ confidence in their ability to achieve long-term academic success. It is because of this connection that the College of University Libraries & Learning Sciences (CULLS) is excited to announce the Jim and Mary Lois Friday Hulsman Librarianship for Student Success, a prestigious endowment that enables librarians in the University Libraries to work on projects directly related to student success.

A librarian will earn the endowed position for a three-year term by a competitive selection process. During the three years, the librarian who holds the position will develop and implement projects that directly relate to promoting student success, including but not limited to areas such as: Student employee experience, open and affordable educational resources & textbooks, library instruction, and library user experience.

Leo Lo, Dean of the CUL&LS, declared his support for this endowed position, saying, “Our library spaces foster a social and academic community among students. Student success, at the most basic level, is for students to come to college, stay enrolled, and graduate. However, we would define it even broader. We believe that our job is also to develop students into well-rounded human beings, who will do well for our society. Therefore, student success is one of the top priorities for my deanship.”

Currently, a committee of faculty within CULLS has been selected to help define what the three-year term will entail and how librarians will be selected for the endowment.

The Hulsmans have contributed previously to CULLS, which have made a phenomenal difference in the lives of countless students: the Hulsman Undergraduate Library Research Award, Hulsman Outstanding Student Employee Awards, the Sports History Endowment, and soon to come the Friday Hulsman Graduate Commons.

The Hulsman Librarianship for Student Success endowment will continue to provide students with innovative and resourceful support throughout their college experience from the University Libraries.

"Our goal is make a positive difference in the lives of others. It is our hope that this endowment will provide the opportunity for students and faculty at UNM to achieve their dreams,” said Jim and Mary Lois Friday Hulsman.