Toni Berg and Kristyn Yepa were recognized recently at the 2010 UNM College of Nursing Alumni Awards ceremony. Berg received the Distinguished Alumni Award, while Yepa was honored with the New Alumni Award. The Distinguished Alumni Award and the New Alumni Award are both given to alumni who have shown extraordinary service to their community and area of work.

Berg graduated from the UNM College of Nursing in 1967. The majority of her career has been dedicated to caring for mothers and their newborn children at New Futures School, an alternative school in Albuquerque. She also has provided an environment at New Futures School for UNM nursing students to gain experience in clinics, classrooms, and the child development centers.

Yepa graduated from UNM College of Nursing in 1996 and moved back to her home of Jemez Pueblo, N.M. where she is currently the Assistant Public Health Manager for the Jemez Health and Human Services Public Health Programs. Her concern has been for the health and well being of her people focusing on childhood obesity and immunization. Yepa co-authored the Center for Disease Control Community Wellness and Public Health Program cooperative agreement that helps create healthy lifestyle programs for children.

For more information, visit College of Nursing Alumni.