Richard Larson
Organizers say the seminar series will feature a mix of internal and external speakers covering a range of biomedical topics. One of their goals is to help build a broad interactive community of researchers interested in biomedical engineering topics. Larson will discuss opportunities for productive collaborative activities involving the Health Sciences Center and the School of Engineering.
Larson will provide a summary of the research enterprise at the UNM Health Sciences Center, and discuss current collaborations between the School of Engineering and the Health Sciences Center. There will also be examples of successful ways that faculty have initiated collaborations that have led to extramural funding. Following the presentation, there will be ample time for discussion and questions about collaborative opportunities.
The seminar is free and open to all. For more information and parking, visit: UNM Center for Biomedical Engineering. This seminar is sponsored by the UNM Center for Biomedical Engineering.