Spectra Gallery, housed in the Honors College at The University of New Mexico, hosts an art installation by Anna Westfall titled Bright Field. The exhibition opened in August and will be on exhibit through Oct. 7, 2022. It is open to the public.
Westfall is an alumna of UNM’s MFA program (2005) in sculpture and ceramics and is currently a professor of art at Eastern Mennonite University in Harrisonburg, Va. Her work is a study of life both at its microscopic and macroscopic levels through ceramic forms.
As Westfall’s artist statement outlines, “the surfaces of the dark sculptures originate from microscopic images that were often documented and studied using brightfield microscopy. They reference structures of viruses, pollen, cancer cells or bacteria. By exploring objects that range from a mere nuisance to deadly, the unpredictable nature of life is examined.”
The gallery is open Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
For more of Westfall’s work, visit Anna Westfall.com.
Story art - Anna Westfall