A variety of conferences, workshops, lectures, and other activities will be open to the public and on display at The University of New Mexico for its 2024 Research and Discovery Week. The week, Nov. 8-15, is dedicated to showcasing UNM’s entire research enterprise, while promoting resources and opportunities available to all UNM researchers.
“November is becoming one of my most favorite months of the year because we’ve started a new tradition here on campus with Research & Discovery Week,” said UNM Vice President for Research Ellen Fisher. “It’s our third annual celebration where we take an entire week to celebrate our researchers and their contributions to sciences, humanities, the arts, and the world around us. I hope to see all of you that week at one of our featured events!”

This year, the celebration will start on a Friday because November 8 “iN-OV-8” is National STEM/STEAM Day, created to illuminate science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics education as critical investments in our future.
UNM’s Office of the Vice President initiated R&D Week in 2022 in hopes of enhancing the visibility of the striking, sometimes surprising, and always inspiring research activities that happen every day on UNM campuses, while strengthening collaboration across communities, ultimately helping diversify the research, innovation, and creativity that make UNM a premier research institution.
The year will contain a lineup of events and opportunities for students, staff, faculty, alumni and community members. We are also celebrating UNM’s three newest Grand Challenges on Tuesday, Nov. 12. It will be the perfect chance to visit main campus and participate in conferences, workshops, lectures, and open houses all centered around research happening at UNM.
Research and Discovery Week will also feature highlighted events and several keynote lectures; for a full schedule visit our website!
Friday, Nov. 8
2-3 p.m. STEAM Day Public Tour: Hindsight Insight 5.0
UNM Art Museum
6 p.m. Keynote: Herman Pontzer - Energy & Time: Metabolic Evolution in Humans and other Primates
PAIS 1100
Monday, Nov. 11
9 a.m. - 4 p.m. CASAA Research Day
Center on Alcohol, Substance use And Addictions
2650 Yale Blvd SE, Albuquerque, NM 87106
10:15 a.m. and 11:15 a.m. Discover our lithography research center, gallery, and student workshop
Tamarind Institute
2500 Central SE, use Stanford entrance.
4-6:30 p.m. Open House: Center for Advancement of Spatial Informatics Research (ASPIRE)
PAIS Lobby
Tuesday, Nov. 12
9 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Grand Challenges Day & Level 1 Program Launch
SUB Ballroom C
6 p.m. Keynote Lecture, Dr. Kelly J. Cross - Racialized Trauma: Does It Happen in Engineering?
Larranaga Auditorium, Centennial Engineering Building
Wednesday, Nov. 13
10 a.m. - 4 p.m. UNM Space Day
SUB Ballroom C
5:30-7 p.m. Keynote Lecture: Sonia Torres Rodríguez
Artificial Intelligence: Sea Change or Hype
The Opportunities and Challenges for Local Governments, Housing Markets and Neighborhoods
Garcia Honda Auditorium, George Pearl Hall
Thursday, Nov. 14
4-7 p.m. LoboBITES Graduate Research Pitch Competition
SUB Ballroom C
5:30 p.m. Gale Memorial Lecture Series: August Muth
Friday, Nov. 15
9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Community Engagement Symposium 2024: "Breaking Barriers"
1-5 p.m. UNM/CNM App Contest Final Presentations & Awards
Lobo Rainforest Building
1-3 p.m. Keynote: Ivan Oransky, MD - Retractions: On the Rise, But Not Enough
Larranaga Auditorium, Centennial Engineering Building
5-7:30 p.m. BioSymposium
UNM Art Museum
For more information, visit Research and Discovery Week.
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