The University of New Mexico kicked off its long term strategic plan for UNM 2040: Opportunity Defined unveiling its collective roadmap for the future recently. UNM President Garnett S. Stokes opened the event with updated and new statements of UNM's vision, mission and goals, while designated Goal Champions discussed the plan and presenting each of the five UNM 2040 Goals.
The purpose of the event was to share the goals and also to convey what they mean to the UNM campus community and how individuals can make a difference in the future direction of the University. The yearlong+ process to craft a multi-year plan to build the future of UNM began in April 2021, and was driven by a small project team with a larger steering committee chaired by Stokes. The plan is designed to provide the campus community with both a vision and framework for the University’s future 20 years from now and to establish immediate steps designed to move the campus toward that vision.
"This is our plan, created by the Lobo community for the Lobo community," said Stokes. "And just as it took all of us working together to create this blueprint for our future, so, too, will it take all of us working together to put our plan into action. This is a time to celebrate, discover why all of this matters to us as a University and as individual Lobos, and to get energized to really dig into our goals."
The five goals include:
- Advance New Mexico
- Student experience and educational innovation
- Inclusive excellence
- Sustainability
- One University
For more information and the key objectives, visit UNM 2040 Goals. For a list of the task forces driving each goal visit UNM 2040 Task Forces.
"I am grateful to every member of the Lobo community who participated in the process of developing our framework for the future," said Stokes. "Your voices and ideas, as well as your advocacy and passion for the mission, vision, and values of UNM are reflected in this living roadmap, which will guide our work together over the next two decades."
For those who couldn't attend or watch, the livestream is available on the UNM Live YouTube channel.
For more information on the overall initiative, visit UNM 2040: Opportunity Defined.