The virtual townhall forum held last Thursday on UNM’s administrative mandate for the COVID-19 vaccination series is now available online. The hourlong town hall was attended by more than 200 individuals who listened to medical experts and campus administrators on the latest regarding the COVID-19 pandemic.
The timing of a decision and the effective date are important to the registration and enrollment procedures that current and new students navigate, and the employment process for current and future job postings. These, and other topics were all part of the discussion at the virtual forum.
UNM’s administrative mandate requiring the COVID-19 vaccine, initially issued on Aug. 5, 2021, was essential during the peak of the pandemic to protect the health of the University as well as communities across New Mexico. The result of the mandate was a very high rate of vaccination across all campuses.
A study released last October by the National Bureau of Economic Research indicates that colleges’ vaccine mandates appeared to have a substantial effect on county-level COVID-19 infection and death rates, likely reducing total U.S. deaths from the virus by about five percent in the fall of 2021.
“Our next steps will be to reflect on the current recommendations from our Health Protocols Committee and consider the issues brought to leadership by the community, before making the best-informed decision for our University in a timely manner – you can look forward to further communications in the coming weeks,” said President Garnett S. Stokes in her weekly message to the campus community.
Regardless of the path UNM pursues with the administrative mandate, the UNM Health and Health Sciences programs, including clinical areas, will continue to maintain their COVID-19 vaccine requirements. UNM will also continue to strongly recommend that all Lobos remain up to date with the most recent vaccine or booster available as a barrier to serious illness.
“I would like to emphasize that if the mandate is lifted, that in no way precludes us from continuing to support COVID-19 and other vaccination efforts within our community, as well as exploring new policies to keep us all safe and healthy,” Stokes added.
For more information, visit The Pack is Back: A Safe Return to Campus.