Tagged with Evolution
April 08, 2022
As an expert in body size evolution of animals, professor of Biology at The University of New Mexico Felisa Smith is often called on to lend her knowledge and opinion on the subject. She is co-editor of a book about animal size...
January 08, 2020
Celebrate our evolutionary past! Children will be able to travel 4 million years back in time this weekend and discover our ancient human ancestors at the Maxwell Museum of Anthropology on the UNM campus.
The popular radio program The Children’s Hour,...
By Sarah Carpenter
November 20, 2019
Though science has advanced considerably since the days of Charles Darwin, the evolutionary history of life on Earth is still largely a mystery – one being solved incrementally by the dedicated biologists who pore over fossils and genetic data to better...
By Mary Beth King
August 01, 2019
Looking at the past may help the future when combating some viruses in humans, especially the evolutionary history of hantaviruses.
Schuyler Liphardt, who is working on his Ph.D. in biology at The University of New Mexico, is part of a team that...
By Karen Wentworth
August 10, 2012
UNM Distinguished Professor of, Anthropology Jane LancasterUNM Distinguished Professor of Anthropology Jane Lancaster has been presented with the Human Behavior and Evolution Society's Lifetime Career Award for Distinguished Scientific Contribution. The ...
By Steve Carr
April 20, 2012
The third and final lecture in the Co-Evolution series, part of the Spring 2012 course Co-Evolution: Art + Biology in the Museum (UNM Bio 402/502 // ARTS 389/429/529 // UHON 402) and co-taught by Joseph Cook and Szu-Han Ho, features Brian Conley who will ...
By Steve Carr
March 23, 2012
The second lecture in the Co-Evolution Series, which is part of the Co-Evolution: Art and Biology in the Museum seminar, will be held Thursday, March 29 beginning at 5 p.m. in rm. 102 at the Science & Math Learning Center (SMLC). The lecture, which is ...
By Karen Wentworth
December 09, 2011
Diana Rabenold, a graduate student working on her Ph.D. in Anthropology is challenging conventional wisdom about the diet of Paranthropus boisei, a large-toothed species of early hominid found in East Africa between 1.4 and 2.5 million years ago.In a ...
By Karen Wentworth
October 11, 2011
Sally McBrearty, professor and head of the Anthropology Department at the University of Connecticut, will give a lecture on "Debunking the Human Revolution: The Last Ten Years" on Thursday, Oct. 20 at 7:30 p.m. in the Anthropology Lecture Hall, room ...
By Steve Carr
November 25, 2010
Researchers have demonstrated that the extinction of dinosaurs 65 million years ago paved the way for mammals to get bigger - about a thousand times bigger than they had been. The study titled, "The Evolution of Maximum Body Size of Terrestrial Mammals," ...
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