Tagged with UNM LoboCard Office
August 29, 2018
With the hectic start of the semester, many students, faculty and staff might have difficulty making it to the LoboCard office to update their information. That’s why the office is offering extended hours throughout the semester.
LoboCard Office...
March 15, 2018
On her first official day as a new Lobo, UNM President Garnett Stokes did something that made her a part of the pack—she picked up her LoboCard. Every new Lobo, whether here to learn or work, shares that common experience of getting a UNM ID card....
By Steve Carr
July 28, 2011
The UNM LoboCard Office has announced LoboPerks. LoboPerks is a partnership between UNM and vendors, both in Albuquerque and beyond, who want to offer discounts to the Lobo Nation. The LoboPerks listing page goes live on Monday, Aug. 1 and already ...