Seven humanities doctoral students in the College of Arts & Sciences at The University of New Mexico are recipients of the 2017 Bilinski Fellowship. As a recipient, each student will receive dissertation completion fellowships made possible through a generous gift from the Russell J. and Dorothy S. Bilinski Educational Foundation.
They include:
- James Bodington (Philosophy)
- Bryn Campbell (Spanish & Portuguese)
- Alexandro Jara (History)
- Justin Larsen (English)
- Abigail Robertson (English)
- Andrés Sabogal (Linguistics)
- Morgan Sims (English)
The seven Bilinski dissertation projects focus on problems immanent to conventional treatments of mental illness as analyzed via contemporary philosophical and psychological research, existential phenomenology, and poststructuralist feminist theory; the construction of subjectivity in Afro-Carribean autobiographies; the influence of Latino populations on the urban environment in San Jose, Calif, 1950-2000; the representation of material culture and object relations in early Medieval Anglo-Saxon literature; a multi-disciplinary study of the cult of Swithun, the 9th Century bishop and later patron saint of Winchester Cathedral; a comprehensive study of clause types employed in the Wayuunaiki language spoken in Columbia and Venezuela; and the impact of multimodal composition and emergent rhetorical practices in new media on Latino and Latina students in first/second year college composition courses.
Bilinski Fellows will be supported from May 15, 2016 through July 15, 2017 while they complete dissertations.
Visit recipient bios to learn more about each doctoral student.
To learn more about the program, visit Bilinski Foundation Fellowship.