The Rio Grande Research Collaborative is dedicated to exploring the social-ecological research questions associated with the Rio Grande Water Fund and its approach, along with other ongoing activities in the watershed.

It is a unique opportunity for The University of New Mexico to develop an ongoing, transdisciplinary research collaborative involving UNM faculty, students at all levels of education, as well as community members and stakeholders in the watershed.
This fall the research collaborative is hosting a webinar series, open to those who are experts in water sustainability or just interested in the topic. The series will feature guest speakers and will begin exploring the specific issues involved in the Rio Grande watershed and trandisciplinarity.
The virtual seminar sessions are every other Wednesday, from 1 to 2 p.m. Click here to register.
The series is sponsored by the UNM Sustainability Studies Program, Interdisciplinary Science Cooperative, R.H. Mallory Center for Community Geography, Resilience Institute, Center for Water and the Environment, and Water Resources Program.
For more information contact Irene Gray.
Seminar schedule:
Sept. 9
Welcome and Introductions
Rio Grande Research Collaborative Overview
Facilitator: Melinda Morgan
UNM Sustainability Studies
Sept. 23
Introduction to the Rio Grande Watershed
Speaker: Dagmar Llewellyn
U.S. Bureau of Reclamation
Oct. 7
Rio Grande Water Fund: New Paradigm for Watersheds
Speaker: Collin Haffey
The Nature Conservancy
Oct. 21
Intro to Transdisciplinarity, Part I
Facilitator: Melinda Morgan
UNM Sustainability Studies
Nov. 4
Intro to Transdisciplinarity, Part II
Facilitator: Melinda Morgan
UNM Sustainability Studies
Nov. 18
National Science Foundation Convergent Research Design
Speaker: TBA
Dec. 2
Developing a Rio Grande Research Collaborative
Facilitator: Barbara Cosens
Univ. of Idaho