The University of New Mexico Board of Regents conducts its annual budget summit Wednesday, May 24 at 1 p.m. in Bratton Hall at the UNM School of Law, located on UNM’s North Campus at 1117 Stanford, NE.
The board will consider UNM's budget for Fiscal Year 2016-17 and will approve tuition and fee rates for main campus, branches and differentials. Public comment will be considered during open session.
The meeting will begin with an introductory statement and a Legislative update from acting UNM President Chaouki Abdallah. A budget overview and Instruction & General (I&G) Funding scenario will follow from acting Provost Craig White, Vice President for Human Resources Dorothy Anderson, Vice President for Enrollment Management Terry Babbitt and Executive Vice President for Administration David Harris.
Budget savings initiatives will be present by Norma Allen, Nicole Dopson and Anderson. Brad Hutchins and Vahid Staples will present the athletics overview. Babbitt will present a tuition proposal.
The Regents will also hear a Student Fee Review Board Proposal and differential tuition requests for the School of Engineering and the School of Law.
Paul Roth and Ava Lovell will present the Health Sciences Center budget overview and I&G scenario, differential tuition requests and Emergency Medical Services.
White will also present tuition and fee proposals for the Los Alamos and Valencia branch campuses.
In accordance with Open Meetings Act, Section 10-15-1(F) N.M.S.A. 1978, copies of the agenda will be made available at least 72 hours prior to the meeting and accessible on the UNM Regents website.