The University of New Mexico will conduct a test of its emergency notification systems on Tuesday, Sept. 21 at 11:02 a.m. The test, which will be a part of UNM's annual Safety Week, will include all parts of the University's warning systems including sirens, e-mail, text messaging, social media updates and UNM website notifications. All campuses will be a part of this test.
As a reminder about the test, a text message and email notification will be sent via LoboAlerts on Tuesday, Sept. 21 at 10:45 a.m.
The test is conducted three times per year at the beginning of each semester. It also gives campus first responders an opportunity to activate the various systems as part of their routine training.
"The purpose of the test is to familiarize everyone with all of the various ways we notify the campus of an emergency or advisory,” said University Emergency Manager Byron Piatt. “It’s important to check your phones, computers and other devices during and after the test to make sure you receive the alert. Also, take a few minutes to review how you would respond in a real emergency.”
LoboAlerts is also the primary system utilized by the University in the event of inclement weather. For information on test preparation and what you should do to update your personal information, visit Emergency Preparedness.
Non-UNM persons who work on campus, live in nearby communities, or otherwise have an interest in receiving emergency notifications can also receive LoboAlerts. LoboAlerts are available via social media on the LoboAlerts Facebook and LoboAlerts Twitter pages. Individuals can also create their own accounts on the LoboAlerts Community site.
To update your LoboAlerts contact information and preferences, go to LoboAlerts and login with your UNM NetID and password.
For more information about these alerts and other campus safety measures, visit UNM Campus Safety.