Later this month, The University of New Mexico (UNM) will begin its traditional winter break closure, which means the campus will be bereft of its typical hustle and bustle.

Ten years ago, the Physical Plant Department (PPD) saw this time period as an opportunity to utilize energy control systems to their fullest potential in select buildings, saving the University thousands in utility costs that first year.

The UNM Winter Setback Program was born, and as PPD continued to upgrade buildings with new energy control technology, more and more savings were seen. This winter break will be the 10th year where select campus buildings will have their temperatures “setback.”

“The Winter Setback Program has saved the University hundreds of thousands of dollars since its inception, due to PPD’s efforts and support from faculty, staff and students,” said Interim President Chaouki T. Abdallah.

In the coming weeks, PPD and Lobo Energy Inc. will work with occupants to determine which buildings must be kept within a strict temperature range and where temperature settings could be more rigorous.

UNM building temperatures will be set back beginning Dec. 22 and will return to normal on Jan. 3. If you have questions about this program, or have questions about your building temperatures during the annual winter break, contact PPD at 505-277-1600.

PPD and LEI are departments within Institutional Support Services (ISS)