The University of New Mexico Campus Arboretum has been established to make available to visitors and students, staff and faculty one of the state’s most outstanding botanical experiences — in the midst of one of New Mexico’s great public open...
The University’s annual giving campaign, UNM Gives, kicked-off this past fall with a promise. The department on north and main campus that increases participation in the campaign will receive a pizza party. And today UNM leadership delivered on that...
Later this month, The University of New Mexico (UNM) will begin its traditional winter break closure, which means the campus will be bereft of its typical hustle and bustle.
Ten years ago, the Physical Plant Department (PPD) saw this time period as an...
With the help of a few students, the arborists with the Physical Plant Department’s (PPD) Grounds & Landscaping unit planted two Piñon Pine trees, one near the Social Sciences building and the other in the grove just north of Zimmerman...
On Monday, July 18 the Physical Plant Department (PPD) will begin removing the asphalt on the northwest corner of the Cornell Parking Structure. The asphalt will be replaced with concrete.
During the week-long project, elevator access will be...
The University of New Mexico, like much of the metro area, is still cleaning up and assessing water damage from the storm this past weekend. UNM Physical Plant Department is in the early stages of evaluating the more than 30 buildings...
Over the decades, the University of New Mexico has been a pioneer in sustainability and conservation, saving the finite resources of the earth, and ultimately utilizing tax payer dollars in the most efficient way possible. This has been accomplished ...
A ranch house and outbuildings owned by the University of New Mexico north of Cochiti Lake have been completely destroyed after a series of weather-related catastrophes over the summer. The ranch house and buildings were used by the Anthropology ...
The Utilities Division of the UNM Physical Plant Department is preparing to install a new steam turbine to help the university produce more of its own power. The turbine is expected to provide about one megawatt of power to campus.But before the turbine ...
Mary Vosevich, director of the Physical Plant Department at UNM has been elected incoming president of APPA: Leadership in Educational Facilities (formerly the Association of Physical Plant Administrators). Her term of office will be 2012-2013.APPA ...