Renowned actor Gary Farmer, known for his work in TV series Resident Alien and Reservation Dogs, will appear at The University of New Mexico Department of Film and Digital Arts as part of its ongoing Mentor Series. The talk is in conjunction with the...
Pulitzer Prize winning Diné composer and sound artist Raven Chacon, who earned his Bachelor of Arts degree in music at The University of New Mexico will bring his Three Songs projects to the Harwood Museum of Art in Taos. Three Songs pays tribute to...
The Art Department at The University of New Mexico will present awards, including the Reggie Behl Drawing Award, at the Rabbits Rabbits Rabbits Undergraduate Juried Art Show open house Thursday, Feb. 1, from 5 to 7 p.m. in the John Sommers Gallery...
A new book by Angela Beauchamp, a lecturer in Film History and department administrator in the Film & Digital Arts program at The University of New Mexico, examines First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt’s record as one of the most important women of the...
Jaune Quick-to-See Smith knew from an early age that she wanted to be an artist. Born on the St. Ignatius Indian Mission, she is an enrolled Salish member of the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Nation, Montana. As a Native American, she might have been...
An iconic holiday tradition is returning to UNM’s Rodey Theatre from Dec. 15 to 17.
The National Institute of Flamenco (NIF) is inviting one and all to become immersed in a joyful and vibrant world of flamenco dance and music, villancicos (Spanish...
A gripping tale of ghosts, crime and justice is back to where it all began: New Mexico.
University of New Mexico alumnus Ramona Emerson has returned to her alma mater to showcase her wildly successful supernatural crime thriller Shutter.
In times of strife, it can be incredibly challenging to find the light at the end of the tunnel. That’s the strenuous, but inspirational path UNM’s Women’s Resource Center (WRC) has taken with late student Natalie Jude.
Jude passed away earlier this...
There’s a new class at the University of New Mexico you can really sink your teeth into.
Vampire Cinema: Blood, Bats and Bedrooms (FDMA 330/*430) is making its red carpet premiere this semester in UNM’s College of Fine Arts.
Adjunct Lecturer Teresa...
The Research and Creative Works Leadership Awards were established in 2020 to honor recently promoted faculty who have accomplished outstanding research or creative works in their respective career stage.
This award was created in response to a...